Showing posts with label Religious. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Religious. Show all posts

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

No One Can Curse You.


July 08, 2015

Kwasi Asante Annor


Numbers 23:8 How can I curse those whom God has not cursed? How can I denounce those whom the LORD has not denounced?

The people of Israel had become a strong force to reckon with. Many nations had been conquered on their way to the promise land.

Therefore fear had fallen on the surrounding nations including Balak, the ruler of Moab.

Numbers 22:3 says and Moab was terrified because there were so many people. Indeed, Moab was filled with dread because of the Israelites.

Therefore Balak sought the oracle of Ballam to come release a curse on Israel so that by the impact of the curse, Israel will be weakened and become vulnerable.

But when Ballam came and received the message, it was straight and concise; how can I curse those whom the Lord has not cursed?

In other words, God's approval activates the functionality of a curse but I have good news for you this morning.

The goodnews is that God has not cursed you. He became a curse by hanging on the tree so that we might become possessors of the blessings of Abraham.

Listen, I came with the sure word from heaven that no man can curse whom the Lord has not cursed including you and I.

For you are the apple of God's eye, accepted in the beloved, clothed in the glory of his name.

May be a man, a family member, even a "supposed man of God" has released a curse on you that you will not make it in life.

But let me announce to you that such negative utterances are mere oil drops in the oceans.

He says in blessing I will bless you and in multiplying I will multiply you and by the covenant mandate of the blessedness of Jesus, you are blessed beyond measure.

Consequently, blessed one, may the Lord answer you in distress, may the name of the God of Jacob protect you.

May he give you the desires of your heart and make all your plans succeed. May he grant you support from his sanctuary and from Zion where his glory dwells.

This is the more reason why you have to step out in style this morning as you gently walk to that office, school, church, project site cause only one thing we know....


I have no other God but you
I have no other God but you
You have done what no man has done
You will do what no man can do

Credit: Nathaniel Bassey

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Fulfill Your Prophetic Mandate.n


July 07, 2015

Kwasi Asante Annor


Jeremiah 1:10 See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out and to pull down, to destroy and to throw down, to build and to plant."(NKJV)

The word of the Lord came to Jeremiah at a particular season during the reign of King Josiah, Jehoaikim and Zedekiah in the land of Judah.

Even though born into a priestly family living in Anathoth, Jeremiah had his own unique calling and had been ordained from the womb as God's prophet with a three -point prophetic mandate:

1. Root out and pull down
2. Destroy and throw down
3. To build and to plant

Jeremiah thought that he was too young to be burdened with such a huge assignment but his excuses did not matter because God reached out and touched his lips and resourced him supernaturally. Halleluya.

Beloved, in much the same way, when we became born again, we became a kingdom of priests and kings(Rev 1:5, 1Pt 2:9)

But we have unique, distinct and separate mandates to fulfill on God's divine calendar. Listen in you are hid untapped, unused and unreached potentials, giftings and abilities yet to be revealed.

There is more to you than eyes can see, ears have heard and the mind has comprehended. Jeremiah thought he was an ordinary youth who couldnt even speak but he didnt know he carried a prophetic mantle to speak to nations.

Beloved, you are carrying an uncommon mantle on you. There is an assignment God has fore-ordained ONLY YOU to perform.

Your world is waiting in earnest expectation for the release of that book in your spirit man, the eruption of those songs blubbling in your soul, the unimaginable architectural projects, the incredible art works, the wise theological response to issues of homosexuality and gay rights.

Therefore on this 7th perfect day of the perfect month, I pray that God will begin a unusual stirring up in your spirit. May he touch your lips and warm your hearts. May a compelling burden to rise up to influence your world fall on you.

May God activate his unction that propels performance of your mandate in you. Stir up the gift of God that is in you through the laying on of hands.

Like Jeremiah, God has set you this day to confront the issues of our world by the agency of his giftings in you so do not say...ah Lord I am youth but like Jesus, step into the volume of the books to fulfill what is written of you.


I am rising up to a higher calling
New heights in Jesus Im gaining every day
I no longer want, I no longer yearn to stay in the same old way
But higher and higher, step by step
Climbing in your way
Lord in You, my calling to fulfill

Credit: Minister Eugene Zuta

Monday, 6 July 2015

He Is Exalted.


July 06, 2015

Kwasi Asante Annor


Psalms 99:5 Exalt the LORD our God, And worship at His footstool; For He is holy.

Hands were lifted, Hearts were raised, voices were heard, feet were stamped as many worshippers poured their spirits before the exalted King of Kings.

Indeed it was a gathering of yearning souls desiring to pour their beauty alabaster jar of perfume to allow its sweet fragerance to diffuse and osmosied into that great atmosphere.

The reason is simple: He is exalted.

New songs were released, choruses were sung, knees prostrated, cymbals were clanged, drums were beaten, chords were struck and strings were tingled for HE IS EXALTED.

Indeed we will exalt you Lord for thou has lifted us above our enemies, your banner over us is love.

To exalt is to lift up, honour, hallow, make great, enlarge and to raise beyond the normal.

He being in very likeness God did not consider equality with God as something to grasp but made himself of no repute and became a servant obedient even unto death on the cross, wherefore God has EXALTED him and given him a name above every name.

For when we exalt his name and lift him up, he brings victory in times of battles.

For when he is exalted, prison doors are opened and prison chains are broken.

When he is exalted, stinking lives are beautified and dying dreams are rekindled.

When he is exalted leporous characters are cleansed and fresh traits are imbibed.

Nothing stands the way of the exalted king for he stands exalted when his due honour is declared.

This week, exalt the Lord your God....for the Lord is Holy.

We will exalt you daily
For you have made our hearts ready
For when you are exalted, your glory is littered
When we exalt you, burdens are lifted.
When we exalt you, grace is ceded.
Our flow of exaltation compels challenging situations to be halted.

May our lips not remain silent cause the exalted king has taken his rightful place in our hearts.


He is exalted, the king is exalted and I will praise him
He is exalted, forever exalted and I will praise his name
He is the Lord, for ever his truth shall reign
Heaven and earth rejoice in his holy name
He is exalted, the king is exalted on high

Sunday, 5 July 2015

He Offered Himself. A Perfect Sacrifice.


July 05, 2015

Kwasi Asante Annor


Heb 9:11-12 But Christ came as High Priest of the good things to come, with the greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands, that is, not of this creation. Not with the blood of goats and calves, but with His own blood He entered the Most Holy Place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption (NKJV).

Historically, sacrifices and the shedding of blood have been a major component in sealing a covenant, affirming a relationship and deepening a reconciliatory process.

Throughout the scriptures, we see that God has always been in the process of reconciling man to himself.

After our fall in the garden of Eden, we see God using shadows, forms and objects as means of connecting us to him.

He chose Abraham and Israel to have a covenant relationship with them. He gave them laws and established tabernacle worship, the offering of sacrifices so that it would serve as a means by which man can relate to him.

But the amazing thing is these were just forms and shadow of the perfect thing to come - CHRIST.

He came as a perfect High priest of good things to come. He shared his own blood, a blood without spot or blemish.

It was a perfect sacrifice which met the sacred requirements of Justice. He was the perfect sacrifice that made us obtain an eternal redemption.

His sacrifice was so perfect that out of it, armed robbers have become pulpit preachers, immorals and abortionists have become saints sharing the unadulterated gospel.

How would life have been if Christ has not obtained for us this reconciliatory offering.

For there is a place we obtain pardon for sins. There is only one blood that cleanses, made whole and completely wipe away every trace of sin.

The precious blood from the perfect sacrifice is still speaking. Come and obtain forgiveness, healing and restoration.


Jesus is passing this way, this way, this way
Jesus is passing this way
He's passing this way today

Saturday, 4 July 2015

He Gives Perfect Peace


July 04, 2015

Kwasi Asante Annor


Isaiah 26:3
You will keep him in PERFECT PEACE, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.

My wife and I were with an old prophet of God yesterday and I received revelation. It's just like how Jeremiah was asked to go to the potter's house (Jeremiah 18)

My observations: This prophet like Isaac and Jacob is blind yet when he heard we had come to see him, he strengthened himself and came to meet us(Genesis 48:1-2)

Secondly, he radiated with such exceeding great glory and the joy which surrounded his demeanour was so great that one will be struck with disbelief that he is blind.

It was at this point, I received the scripture, he will keep in PERFECT peace whose mind is stayed on him.

Every indication showed that though totally blind, this prophet is at rest in his spirit and soul and not bothered by the limitations of his weak flesh.

Beloved in Christ, God is the custodian of peace through his son Jesus Christ(Romans 5:1) who has reconciled us to the Father and given us a ministry of reconciliation(2Corinthians 5:18-19)

What is essential is for us to take our minds of what the world describes as peace and stay it on Him(Christ). For to be Christ-like minded is life and peace.

Show me a man whose mind is always stayed on God and I will show you a man who is at rest in his soul and enjoying the ambience of perfect peace.

This is the reason why economic conditions like increases in fuel prices, utilities, commodities in the market should not deter us in Christ has kept us in perfect peace.

For it is only a man or woman kept in perfect peace who will say there is a lifting up when all men say,there is a casting down.

In perfect peace, we will trust God even though we are slain by the harsh realities of life.

He will keep me in perfect peace even when the health condition seems terminal for though my flesh wanes away, my spirit is becoming more and more alive.

He will keep us in perfect peace
Even when we are left with just a piece
For He has already paid the world fees
That we may enjoy the refreshing comfort of life's breeze.


He hold the raging storms of my life
And gives me peace, perfect peace
No man can love me as he has done
Shedding his blood for me
O what a friend, o what a friend that Jesus is

Friday, 3 July 2015

Perfect Mansions.


July 03, 2015

Kwasi Asante Annor


John 14:2 "In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

Reading that comment on that post on facebook made me chuckle and smile but I gained revelation immediately....the comment was "hope it is earthquake proof"

This had to do with the grand opening of an upteen million dollar mansion around the route to my homeland.

Reflecting on that comment, the Spirit of God took me back to Jesus's great words of comfort to his disciples as gleaned from our passage this morning.

There is an akan proverb which says you dont challenge a report by the frog who just came out of water announcing that the crocodile is dead.

Jesus lived and came from above. He saw the beauty, splendour and grandeur of the well designed heavenly home. He could therefore testify without struggle that in God's house are many mansions.

These mansions are designed by this God whose ways are perfect. They are framed by the one who call the things which be not as though they were.

This is he who built a city which Abraham looked for intently knowing that its architect and builder is THE LORD.

And this perfect mansion has been built awaiting the grand opening when all saints including you and me will join the angelic host to be escorted round.

Amazingly, this perfect mansion defies earthquake, storm rages, terrible situations. It is the permanent abode of the Father himself and all natural occurences flee before him.

I dont know but I would love to spend all eternity in perfect mansions than dwelling like a sojourney in the tents of men.

God's perfect mansion is ready to be occupied, a place glazed with the radiating glory of God. A wonderful abode prepared for you and I.

Listen the world can professionally design and construct a mind blowing edifice or mansion but there is only one perfect place and where you who has believed and walk with Jesus Christ daily will be.


Where would you spend eternity
This question comes to you and me
Tell me what shall your answer be
Where would spend eternity

Eternity, eternity
Where would you spend eternity.